Saturday, March 27, 2010

Charley Brown makes it to Reitclub Steinsee and gets a new name..

Charley Brown makes the trip in the snow and the wind from his old stable in Hintsberg to his new lodgings in Niederseeon and the riding club Reitclub Steinsee.  As you can see from the pic it is just the sort of day that you want to load up a horse box and drag it all over the Bavarian countryside.

Name Time : While we were trying to get the nag registered we discovered that there are already 6 Charley Brown's on the book here in Germany, so we were going to have to do better!  When we got him from Harham he came with the "Charley", at some point "Brown" got tagged on.  A little digging in our favourite Internet search engine came up with a new name which is based on the story of two pilots flying over mainland Europe during the 1940's.

"Be gallant Charley Brown"

We hope that Charley is going to learn by example, and that he at least stops tossing his rider into the less explored, damp and dark places in the German countryside (for 'dark', 'damp' & 'less explored' read 'ditch', 'drain' & 'corn field')!